Sunday, March 23, 2025

Rhythm Is My Own World! Show tracks for Sat. Mar. 22/25

  • the verve - sit and wonder
    mogwai - hi chaos
    the waeve - it's the hope that kills you
    low island - spit it out
    the mushroom club - superstars
    overpass - dependent
    automotion - circles
    doves - in the butterfly house
    wu lyf - dirt
    mclusky - people person
    kikker - destroy
    courting - stealth rollback
    courting - eleven sent (this time)
    -----northern soul spotlight    
    the soul brothers - later for you
    paul smith - i’ll run
    brooks o'dell - the heartless one
    eddie & ernie - indication
    the tiara's - love's made a connection
    -----lp session - edwyn collins   Nation Shall Speak Unto Nation
    edwyn collins - strange old world
    edwyn collins - sound as a pound
    edwyn collins - a little sign
    edwyn collins - rhythm is my own world
    factory floor - between you
    new order - shell shock
    depeche mode - a question of time
    florence road - heavy
    search results - wrinkle
    witch fever - dead to me!
    hotwax - hard goodbye
    hotwax - in her bedroom
    cloth - stuck
    turin brakes - spacehopper
    the mekons - the western design
    shack - lend's some dough
    -----lp session - the loft   Everything Changes, Everything Stays The Same
    the loft - storytime
    the loft - do the shut up
    the loft - somersaults
    life coach - cringe
    shrag - tendons in the night (marc riley session)
    the vultures - good things  (liz kershaw session)
    ex-vöid - pinhead
    the tubs - freak mode
    idlewild - these wooden ideas
    radiohead - black star
    lexytron - kiss me quick
    david bowie - fascination
  • Listen -

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